International Day of Peace

Invocation Vigil
Wednesday, September 21 2022
Please add the radiations of your mind and heart to a Global Vigil of Invocation, Meditation and Prayer in support of International Day of Peace, 2022.
- Every year the United Nations calls upon individual people of goodwill and groups to observe this important International Day with activities dedicated to the creation of a culture of peace, and to a day of global cease-fire and non-violence. Read more on Peace Day website and the UN Peace Day site. The theme for Peace Day, 2022 is End Racism. Build Peace.
- To support this Day on a spiritual level, there will this year be a wide variety of initiatives for silence, meditation and prayer - including the silent minute to be observed at 12.00 noon in every time zone. See the list at .
- As a contribution to the global focus the UN Days & Years Meditation Initiative and Intuition in Service have, since 2002, co-ordinated an international Vigil for September 21st - with the object of joining with people of goodwill around the world to help invoke higher energies in support of an atmosphere of mind and heart that is conducive to the emergence of a culture of peace and goodwill. Full details on how to participate are here.
A Pulse of Invocative Energy
The 24 hours of September 21st are divided into 15 minute periods in every time zone on the planet. Every 15 minutes, in every time zone, groups and individuals from around the world are invited to use an Invocation for Peace and for the values needed to create cultures of peace. Will you or your group commit yourself to spend specific 15 minute periods in prayer or meditation for a culture of peace and goodwill - beginning and ending the period with a sounding of the Great Invocation, or the Peace Invocation 'May Peace Prevail on Earth', or an invocation or prayer for world peace of your choice? Imagine the rhythmic pulse of invocation flowing from around the globe every 15 minutes.
How to participate:
1. Begin precisely on the quarter hour for the times you have chosen by using the Great Invocation, 'May Peace Prevail on Earth' or another invocation or world prayer.
2. Link in thought with the others who are linking at the same precise time as you and then with everyone in the world who will be acting for peace on this special day.
3.Reflect on humanity's need for light, love and spiritual purpose... and recognise that each person has a role to play in creating cultures of peace and goodwill.
4.Visualise the lighted, loving energies that can create the mental and emotional understanding and atmosphere within which right relations and peace can flourish in ourselves, our communities, our nations, and our world
5.Use the Great Invocation, 'May Peace Prevail on Earth' or another world prayer of your choice precisely on the quarter hour. As you do this think of the rhythmic pulse of invocation flooding the mental environment of the planet.