Intuition and the Creation of a Better World
Intuition in Service is the working out of an intuitive experience in which two projects to meet different needs were seen to beautifully complement each other. There is the need to understand and cultivate true or spiritual intuition. And there is the need for increasing support on all levels for the UN designated Days and Years, and particularly for the subjective support that meditation and prayer can give. Intuition in Service is an effort to help in addressing these two needs.
The intuition is underrated and often unrecognised, yet it is one of the greatest powers latent in all human beings. It has been called "straight knowledge" for it is direct insight into higher levels of awareness. This straight or direct knowing is a key ingredient in the process of creating a better world. As outstanding visionaries throughout human history have demonstrated, it is the source of visions and ideas that have the power to uplift consciousness and inspire enlightened progress.
True intuition is characterised by universality. It reveals the oneness of life and the presence of the sacred in the everyday world of human experience. That we have entered the 21st century with a world view conditioned by a sense of wholeness and interdependence is a clear sign of the awakening of the intuition within human consciousness. The UN Calendar is an expression of this 'one humanity' world view. It draws attention to the issues of concern in human affairs, and it brings together people of goodwill in all parts of the world to co-operate in constructive programmes centred on the themes highlighted. Through this global pattern of service it offers the opportunity of significant progress towards unity and right relationships.
We hope that this focus on the intuition shines a light on the path of love and service. We hope, too, that many will be inspired to call on their intuitive sense by participating in the UN Days & Years Meditation Initiative.
Swan & Fan, wood engraving by Angela Lemaire