United Nations Days & Years Meditation Initiative
The United Nations Days & Years Meditation Initiative invites individuals and groups to support with their meditations and prayers the UN's calendar of observances for International Days, Weeks, Years and Decades. The site includes the UN Calendar. Links are provided for each of the UN Days and the themes for the Year 2021: International Year of Peace and Trust; International Year of Creative Economy for Sustainable Development; International Year of Fruits and Vegetables; and International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour. There are guidelines for meditation and suggestions on how to participate in this Initiative.
The UN Calendar of Days, Weeks, Years and Decades forms a well-established global rhythm of service. It brings together people of goodwill worldwide to co-operate in addressing the important issues of our times. In so doing it is one of the most creative contributions to the building of human unity.
Yet it can be much more effective. This realisation inspires the UN Days & Years Meditation Initiative. There is obviously need for more outer work to be done on the issues the UN Calendar highlights. But there is equally need for additional work in meditation to uplift, sustain and nourish that outer effort. Heart-felt aspiration and focused reflective thought can invoke spiritual energies with their power to heal and transform. Meditation in support of the UN Days and Years helps to create a climate of thought receptive to the visions and values of a compassionate and just world order. This contribution may be unrecognised by most but it is nonetheless potent, aiding servers working in every field of endeavour in the many magical ways that bear the signature of love.
In meditation it is possible to intuit ideas that register only on the highest subtle levels of human thought. These ideas can be touched and known in meditation, 'stepping them down' to levels where they are more easily accessible. Meditating on the themes of the UN Days and Years can bring new ideas into global thinking on these themes, resulting in greater creativity on the part of servers in the outer world. Sending love and light to those who are working for right relationships in the public arena of life strengthens their inner resources of courage, vision, enthusiasm and hope; and gives the healing sense that there is inner support on which they can draw.
We call to your attention the UN Calendar on this web-site as you may be inspired to meditate in support of the themes of the UN Year and also some of the UN Days. It will be wonderful if you or your group could 'adopt' the UN in this way as a contribution to human unity and world renewal. It is our hope that large numbers of individuals and groups who practise meditation and prayer will choose to include this subjective world service in their regular rhythm of inner work.
Millions of people throughout the world meditate for the uplift of human consciousness. This Initiative is a contribution to this ongoing global process through which the reservoir of love and light, which substands all outer enlightened service, is replenished. The work we do together in meditation in support of the UN Days and Years affirms the opportunity offered by the UN Calendar with its unique weaving of relationships in service worldwide. And it affirms the role that subjective service plays in building unity and right relationships within our human family.